domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015


Don't let anyone tell you what makes you beautiful: Lady Gaga wows in Shiseido beauty campaign as she makes five costume changes in just 30 seconds

This article explains about Lady Gaga appearing in the beauty campaign of Shiseido, a cosmetic company. This publicity is very interesting because the singer in 30 seconds changes her clothes and for each says one sentence. In these sentences she tells us that everybody is beautiful and we have to know that we have to love our beauty. Thanks to the campaign the audience are aware of this topic. It also mentions that Lady Gaga thinks it is important to know that everybody is beautiful and special.

I agree with this type of publicity. In my opinion it is important that everybody has security and bravery to say "Ok, I'm so pretty!Initially this article shocked me because I think Lady Gaga is not appropriate for these topics. Finally, I could add that I hope Victoria's Secret doesn't say the opposite.

Dazzled: Resplandor

Feathered: Amb plumes

Engaged: Compromès


I can admire different people but lately I have fixed on a particular. Her name is Sia. Sia is a female Australian composer and singer. Sia's voice is dulcet, warrior and of course very special! As she can do acute notes or low notes.
The singer had her first album in 1997. But it wasn't so popular until 2000 with "taken for granted". This album made Sia successful. I didn´t know this artist until in 2014 when she showed her new album "1000 forms of fear". The first song I knew was Chandelier, but bit by bit I found out that Sia had a lot of excellent music! At this moment I began to admire Sia.
 I searched and searched in Spotify for all music of this composer. I'm shocked because I like everything but without doubt I say that the best album is "1000 forms of fear" and the best song is "Burn the pages". 
I love her videos, because in these appears Maddie Ziegler. This child is a so small and in addition dances excellently! In my opinion Sia wins a lot of audiences thanks to Maddie. 

Now I  will show you my favourite video and my favourite song. 


You're dark grey like a storm cloud

Swelling up with rage that is desperate to be let out
And I know it's a heavy load carrying those tears around
Carrying those fears around, worry makes the world go round

You're twisted up like a slipknot
Tied by a juicehead who just took his T-shot, and I know
There's a hungry dog tugging at your frayed ends
But he's just playing with you, he just wants to be your friend

So don't worry, don't worry I'm here by your side
By your side, by your side
We're letting go tonight!

Yesterday is gone and you will be OK
Place your past into a book, burn the pages
Let 'em cook oh
Yesterday is dead and gone and so today
Place your past into a book, burn the pages
Let 'em cook

Eyes stinging from the black smoke, new hope
Loose rope, risen from the undertow
All is well
We welcome the cry, of the dark night sky
Swallow me peacefully, follow my heart back inside

So don't worry, don't worry I'm here by your side
By your side, by your side
We're letting go tonight!

Yesterday is gone and you will be OK
Place your past into a book, burn the pages
Let 'em cook oh
Yesterday is dead and gone and so today
Place your past into a book, burn the pages
Let 'em cook

Don't worry, don't worry I'm here by your side
By your side, by your side
We're letting go tonight!

Yesterday is gone and you will be OK
Place your past into a book, burn the pages
Let 'em cook oh
Yesterday is dead and gone and so today
Place your past into a book, burn the pages
Let 'em cook



I talk about the independence when I'm 18.
A lot of people, when they start at university, they let their house but... everybody do this? Sometimes, people don't let their house for diferents things: they don't have enough money, they miss too much their family etc.

On the one hand I want to become independent. I love the idea of live alone with my friends in a house, far from all of my environment. When I was little,I always said to my mum: Mum! when I study at university, I will live with Rosó and Ariadna. Nowadays, I think the same! 

If I become independent, I will become more responsable, mature and serious with the house's tasks. Actually in my house, I never do nothing because I am always studying and sometimes I don't get out of my room because I don't have time! 

If I live with my friends, I also could prepare some parties and we could go to parties when we want! I really like the pros of live alone. 

On the other hand I don't want to become independent. Although I want to be independent, I'm sure that I miss a lot my parents and my family! I spend a lot of time with my parents: We talk about some topics, we go to shopping, to the restaurant.. We are a family very united! Another reason for rest in my house is that my parents don't have to pay too much. I love the idea of go far away but it's to expensive! 

In conclusion, I think that the idea of become independent is fantastic but, for this I need a lot of money, force, desire to study and be happy!

I would to be independent but if finally I decide that I rest in my house, is doesn't matter.


I want to write about shopping. I think we buy too much. We live in a capitalist society and we don't have a limit because we want more and more. When I go shopping, I am surprised because everybody says: "I don't have money, I don't have work" but everybody goes to the shops at least once or twice in one month. 
Amancio Ortega (the boss of Inditex) is rich thanks to the people that buy in these shops, everybody buis in the same shops, so is getting richer. This person has euros. I think this is horrible! because there are people that don't have money for food and basic things and Amancio Ortega has too much. He can mantain three generations with a lot of advantatges in their life. 
A lot of people are compulsive shoppers because when the people see that they have money, they spend their money on clothes, decorations for the house or whatever they want. 
The people that they don't have a lot of money don't need one hundred t-shirts and fifty shorts. With less clothes, it still enough.
We can survive with this and with less.


Adele's Huge "25" album sales figure revealed as she's named official UK number one.

This article explains that in one week, Adele has had a lot of successes. She has multiplied the expectations of her album and has become the number one in the history music in the UK and also she's at the top of music lists. It also tells us that even she has exceeded sales' numbers of one platinum CD.  This has taken place because Adele has a lot of massive impact and now is a symbol of these times. 


This article is interesting because I think Adele is a very good singer and also her songs transmit several feelings. This shows us that the most important is the voice, not the appearance. I love her voice, tone and the emotion that she puts in her songs. I hope that she stays at the top forever!

Smashed: Rebentat
Chief: Lider


You only live once so what happens If we don't do anything? What meaning has life without adrenaline or adventures? All people who don't do anything they fall in a horrible routine!  Life is too boring! I'm bold, an adventurer and also active; for this reason I want to do a lot of things before I die. 
First of all I want to do skydiving. I think this makes you feel like you have a lot of freedom, happiness and untied. Also I have a place to skydive next to my house, in Empuriabrava! The problem is that it's too expensive to do it. But if I have to save, I'm going to save! It´s worth it!
The second adventure I want to do before I die is do rafting. I love rafting because I admire landscapes and of course I will laugh so much! Of course I don't want to do this alone. I hope my friends will come with me. 
Then I love travel! I consider that the Earth has a lot of beautiful places, that a lot of people don't appreciate. I want to go to Australia because it looks fantastic! In this country there is Uluru, the barrier of coral, odd animals and of course natural landscapes and beautiful beaches! I also want to go to United States to do the route 66. This route through EEUU from Los Angeles to Chicago. Later and to finish my trips, If I can I will go to Norwegian fjords. The scenery in this place must be magnificent. 

Lastly, as I love help other people, I would go to India with an ONG to help everybody who need me. 

Remember, YOLO!

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015


In victorian times women didn't have a lot of importance. They only cleaned, looked after the kids and did the breakfast, lunch and the dinner. They didn't have to go to work because in those times was very bad thing.
 The man of the house only wanted women for sex and for issues that I said before. 
Bit by bit women gave taken a more importance role because they didn't want to be a decorative part of the Earth. 
Women began to study at university for work after. In Victorian Times only the most privileged people knew to write and read. 
Nowadays women are as essential as boys! They complete each other although in undevelopating countries women still are less importance than men.


I did my oral presentation with Rosó about The Big Bang Theory (TBBT). For our presentation we used a prezi with a lot of photos and with videos to explain the humour of this sitcom. For this reason, the resources were focused on our topic. As some explanations were a little bit boring we put more visual things, so the prezi supported our presentation. In regards of time we did 8 minutes more or less.

When I did my presentation I tried to look at the audience but I think this is difficult because I felt too nervous! That day I brought some notes but I didn't read too much. I only looked at my notes to review if I said something incorrect. As I'm a nervous person, I always move from one place to each other but I did a few movements to hold the attention of the audience. 

We organized the presentation: Introduction, what it is about, characters, awards and types of humour. I consider that we didn't use discourse makers to clarify our ideas. 
About the content, we tried to give new information to our audience but the sitcom is so popular for everybody in the class. In my opinion the information was correct and of course we used a lot of examples with videos and images. 

My grammar was almost perfect because we rehearsed it three times but we didn't use vocabulary that we do in class because it doesn't relate with our theme. In respect to vocabulary we didn't use phrasal verbs or idioms.  On the other hand we applied a lot of fillers like " for example".

I think that the pronunciation was adequate and my tone of voice changed in some cases, like when I switched of theme.
I consider that our mark could be an eight.

Link of the video:

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015



Hannah Little Cott did an experiment about if breakfast affected children and their abilities at school. She went to some chools and asked the children if they had breakfast and if the answer was yes, what food. Afterthis, she compared it with student's marks. Hannah Little Cott saw that children that have health breakfast, had two times better results than the children that did not have breakfast. The conclusion of hers is that education must have a relation with health.

I think more of the 50% of children don't have breakfast before they go to their school. For me, Hannah Little Cot has done a good experiment because some people don't care about this important thing. Before, I never hade breakfast and I went to school tired, dizzy and decentralized. One day I say ok, I must have breakfast because I'm too lazy! Bit by bit I improve my marks and also I feel better.

Outcome: Resultat

Attainment: Èxit

Boosting: Aixecar


A lot of people don’t know their plans for next year but I’m lucky because I know! Now I am doing second of “batxillerat” and next year I will go to university to do publicity.
 Although I know what I want to study, I don’t know where. I think in Girona or Barcelona. Weeks ago my friends and I were completely sure that we wanted to study in UdG (University of Girona): we could study in the same university, share a flat in this city and do everything together. But, all of this has changed. Last Tuesday, in the high school, one boy told us about Pompeu’s Fabra University. This university is in the centre of Barcelona and I love this zone! I really like the university’s presentation but in my opinion marks are too high for me. Also, If I go to Barcelona I will stay too far away and I will miss a lot of friends and, of course, my family! However, I conclusion I consider that it’s better to go to Barcelona because it has more prestige than Girona in the UdG.

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015


Can you imagine a society without humour? Because I can't. Humour is a basic tool in my life and I think it should be an essential piece in everybody's life. Laughter is a universal language. Laughter is a unique human phenomenon that happens in every culture. It helps us go beyond our culture.

To start with, I would like to say that humour it's good for our health; it triggers our endorphins and allows us to feel a very special kind of pleasure. Humor also streghtens your immune system and protects the heart: improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood-flow.

In addition, laughter relaxes the whole body, takes away the stress and helps us get over bad situations. Moreover, it makes our sympathic system socialize and get into groups. Finally, humour helps you to click with people and shifts your perspective.

In conclusion, I think that humour dissolves distressing emotions and it's necessary to feel better ans helps you avoid problems.

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015




Nowadays I am studying social batxillerat and I’m in the second year and also the last year in my current high school! I am doing these studies because in my future I want to do Publicity or Pre-school Education, but I think that these things aren’t really my dreams because I don’t feel passion for these things.

When I was little I started dancing and since that moment I thought: Ok, this is my dream and my passion and I want to achieve it!
Bit by bit I got better at dancing and I hope that one day this dream stops being a dream and begins to be an important part of my life.
I want to be like a boy called Hugo Rosales Molina. This boy was a contestant in “Fama, a bailar”. In the programme he progressed a lot and for this reason Hugo is dancing with international singers or bands. I don’t want to talk about this but, one of my dreams became real when I met him in a dance competition four years ago, more or less. I will remember this day forever!!

Another dream for me is to do rafting. I love adventures and I hope that this objective will be reached before the end of this year.  I would like to do rafting in Lleida because the scenery is spectacular! Of course if I go to Lleida I don’t want to go alone, I would go with my friends because they really like adventures too! My friends are Rosó, Ari, Sandra, Ari and Miriam. They also have accomplished one of my dreams: Have true friends in my life. I can trust them a lot, I feel the happiest person in the world! I owe them everything, without my friends I don’t know what I would be doing now with my life.

In conclusion, I think that I prefer to live my life in the present, now without dreams, because I think that dreams are only dreams. However, it will be interesting to see if my dreams become reality.

See you soon! 

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015



Angela Lee Duckworth is a teacher of “tweens”. Bit by bit she sees that IQ doesn't have a lot of importance.  After this she thinks that there is a deficiency for understanding students from a psychological perspective. For this reason she leaves the classes and begins to study psychology. In her psychological classes Angela wonders which is the key for success and why this happened. In her experiments Lee comes to one conclusion: There is one characteristic that stands: the GRIT. Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals, it is having stamina, sticking with your future, it is living life like it's a marathon not a sprint. She considers that gradually people must grow mentality of. If they strive, they are better prepared fo failures because they know, failures aren't a permanent condition.

In my opinion I agree with Angela Lee Duckworth because I think that IQ tests aren't correct. I think that the intelligence of people can't be measured with one test. People are clever in different ways and perhaps in that test some don't have a good mark. Grit is very important to achieve and confront problems better; This emotion is a sample of maturity, intelligence and wisdom.

I think that I have a lot of grit because, in my opinion, if you don't try it, you never know what can happen. Everybody must be positive and optimists and think that WE CAN!


GRIT: Valor

GRADER: Examinador/a

ROOKIE: Novato/a

martes, 9 de junio de 2015


I see an improvement in my level of English. I see an improvement for do news. In 4th of ESO. I saw do news very difficult and this year I enjoy doing blog and also news!

My favourite essays for post in the blog is Your Says. I like  do your says. In this essays, I express my opinions and I can talk about my life and my environment. The worst activity I have done is the film review. I don't like to do reviews.

I think that the oral presentation has be very useful. We learn new vocabulary, we can take fluency and we innovate with new technologies
The activities that I think doesn't have result are the podcasts because we do oral presentations and do essays without dictionary.

Next year I want to do more oral presentations. I really like it.

In my opinion this year I work a lot in English. Although sometimes I have some low marks, I am satisfied with my work this school year. 
I think that do blog is a good idea for improve our English. 

I think tht one thing can I do the next year is do more songs. In my opinion, the songs are perfect for learn english because in these we have new vocabulary, phrasal verbs and of course we can enjoy with the song!

domingo, 7 de junio de 2015


John Tyree is a soldier in the United States Army.But he leaves for two weeks the USA army and , he went to South Carolina.
 By change, when he went to a beach meets Savanah,a girl student beautiful, intelligent and quite . 

Over the course of two weeks, John and Savanah, fell in love. When John had to go, they promised that they would send each other cards. 
They are two years send letters, but one day, in one of the cards Savanah said that she married to another boy. When he return from South Carolina, her father died and he's very sad. For this reason he thinks that the best idea is go again to South California, with Savanah forever. 



A lot of people speculate that One Diretion will be taking a break after their tour. But is it true? No! The band are very excited for begin their plans after the tour. They say that the information of the break is only speculation.

Although Zayn Malik goes out of the group, the other four members will follow with their career together.


I think that If Zayn Malik didn't sty good in the band, it's better that he leaves it. I love One Direction and thereby, I hope that they never desappears.


Statement: Declaració

Scheduled: Programat

Hint: Pista



Justin Bieber apologizes for his behaviour the last and a half year. 
They says that really he isn't be like this time. For this reason, he's unhappy and sad. He don't want that his fans desappears for the things he has done.
A lot of people say that this behaviour has caused for his fame. 


In my opinion the behviour of justin Bieber has been horrible. He has arrested, he has stayed in the jail, and other bad things that he has done the last year. I hope that Justin Bieber switches his conduct.


Headline: Titular

Squeaky: "Chillón"

Softie: Amb sentients, sensible