martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014


I have always wished to go to Australia. I think that this country is very interesting because it is different from spain. In Australia there is Uluru. Uluru is very famous for differents reasons: The Aborigionals thought that this rock was magic. Other reasons is the place. I have never seen it but I have seen it in photos and it is very impressive.m The colour of this rock also is special. It is red and brown.
In Australia also there are exotic animals very dangerous but prettier than the animals of Spain. Some of these animals are: australian box jellyfish, crocodiles, cone snail, puffer fish, stone fish and more.
I like the beaches of Australia because they are very clean and without contamination. I hope that one day I stay in this place, It's my dream! In the future, I will don't care if I move to Australia because for me is fantastic but I think that in this country are a lot of problems of health because the animals are very very dangerous and the conditions of some villages are terrible. 
If I move to Australia when I grow up, I don't want to go alone because I think that is very boring and the language is diferent too. Therefore, I want to go with some of my friends and I hope that my mum will also move there aswell.
I love to travel, is an important thing for me in my life and I hope that in my life I travel a lot. I would not be only in Australia but this continent is very curious for me and very beautiful.

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