domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014


I did my presentation with Joana of the Russfeiring, the party of Norweigan high school students.
We used a power point with somee images and keyphrases. The recourses are focused on the topic and these recourses (in our case the power point) supported the our presentation. I think that the presentation durate between seven or eight minutes more or less.
When I was pesenting I wanted to look my classemates and the teacher but it's difficult to do it. I think that in some moments I was looking on the floor or on somewhere that there weren't classemates. In my opinion I don't read notes but sometimes I looked the paper for remember the name or the sentence that I had to say. I did a lot of gestures because when I was nervous I'm restless and in that moment I didn't was quiet. I think that my audience were pending of me and my classemate Joana. 
We organised the ideas general to specific. First we explain the basic things of the theme and after we explain curiosities and others.
I think that I didn't use markers to make ideas more clear. I spoke too fast and I didn't think what I said. 
I used new information for my audience. Although we learnt this theme in class, I think we further more because we searched information in some webs and blogs because the audience don't would be bored. The information we had, it was clear but could been better because I could search more information that we had.  I show some examples. One information we used to new it was the knots. In class, we didn't speak of knots. We also explained the origen of the party and the meaning of the color. In class there wasn't this.
My grammar was correct although there were some words that didn't were correct. 
I didn't use phasal verbs but I tried to search new words but if I did this, seemed that I was copying fot another web. I use sensentce linkers like but, also, because, therefore... 
I didn't use fillers because I didn't want to use this. 
In my opinion my pronuntation was no bad but some words I said wrong, for example vehicle.
I changed my tone of voice but not for the presentation but rather because I always changed my tone of voice. I never speak with the same tone. 

In my opinion my mark is 7.

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