domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014



The employees of one aquarium of Chicago have found a little otter undernourished in the beach of California. 
The otter took sixteen hours without its mather. For this reason the animal didn't was powered. 
If the employees had not found the otter, in this moment this animal would be dead.
The aquarium is very happy because the otter has adaped very fast.


In my opinion the employees had actuated very good because thanks to them the animal has saved and is alive.
This have been very sad if the ottes wouldn't have survived. I think that this animal has been brave and powerful for go ahead.


Fuzzy: Borrós
Clam: Cloïsa
Currently: En aquest moment




In Belgica there is a wonderful festival. This consist in make a reply in the ice of the disney characters. 
For this, the sculptors need four hundred tones of ice and they do eighty sculptures in five weeks. The sculptures are like Peter Pan, Cinderella and others. 
This exhibition begins the 22 of November. Although the esculptures seems like reality, there is a big difference. In the stories all end good but in the festival no. When all is finish, the scullptures are melt in a few moment!


In my opinion this is very wonderfull because it gives joy at the kids and it makes smiles.
The people who make thethe sculptures have a great gift because not everyone can do this so perfect. 
It's a shame that after all is melt and all the work are thrown.
I would go to this exhibition because I love the characters of Disney and I think that it is impressive. 


Host: Anfitrió
Unveil: Desvelar


I did my presentation with Joana of the Russfeiring, the party of Norweigan high school students.
We used a power point with somee images and keyphrases. The recourses are focused on the topic and these recourses (in our case the power point) supported the our presentation. I think that the presentation durate between seven or eight minutes more or less.
When I was pesenting I wanted to look my classemates and the teacher but it's difficult to do it. I think that in some moments I was looking on the floor or on somewhere that there weren't classemates. In my opinion I don't read notes but sometimes I looked the paper for remember the name or the sentence that I had to say. I did a lot of gestures because when I was nervous I'm restless and in that moment I didn't was quiet. I think that my audience were pending of me and my classemate Joana. 
We organised the ideas general to specific. First we explain the basic things of the theme and after we explain curiosities and others.
I think that I didn't use markers to make ideas more clear. I spoke too fast and I didn't think what I said. 
I used new information for my audience. Although we learnt this theme in class, I think we further more because we searched information in some webs and blogs because the audience don't would be bored. The information we had, it was clear but could been better because I could search more information that we had.  I show some examples. One information we used to new it was the knots. In class, we didn't speak of knots. We also explained the origen of the party and the meaning of the color. In class there wasn't this.
My grammar was correct although there were some words that didn't were correct. 
I didn't use phasal verbs but I tried to search new words but if I did this, seemed that I was copying fot another web. I use sensentce linkers like but, also, because, therefore... 
I didn't use fillers because I didn't want to use this. 
In my opinion my pronuntation was no bad but some words I said wrong, for example vehicle.
I changed my tone of voice but not for the presentation but rather because I always changed my tone of voice. I never speak with the same tone. 

In my opinion my mark is 7.

sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014


This summer I want to Platja d'Aro with my parents, Rosó, Gabriel, Laura and Gabriel and Laura's parents. We went to a camping because this has a lot of advanttges and conveniences: It had some pools and there were football pitch, bikes, game room, activities for the kids and a lot of families and handsome boys!

The last day before we go away, I was nervous because I love to go on holidays with my family and friends. 
The first day we were impressed and surprised. We didn't think t hat the camping would be as big and as huge.
Rosó, Gabriel and I had a bungalow for us and the others stated in another next to our bungalow. After we were accommodate first, we went to a pool. Later, Rosó and I decided to went to visited the camping and took photos for all the curiosity things.  At night we wento to the mini-golf. That moment was perfect because I laughed a lot playing this sport.
The other days we went to the beach of the village next to Platja d'Aro. Rosó Gabriel and I were rented a boat for salied.
Another day, we went to at the downtown of the city for visited its. In that time, I found Núria (girl of MujeresY Hombres y Viceversa). I was happy because i like too much this programe.

For profit the day, we bpught some souvenirs for the family and somw whims for us. 
We spend the majotiry of time in the pool. Therefore we were brunettes. The weather of these days was perfect because it was sunny and too hot. 
I really like this holidays because Rosó and I had freedom and also we stay together. 

viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014



One cafe in Tokyo begin with one different way that others cafe in Tokyo. This Cafe called Moomin Cafe for one reason. They have one cuddly toy in all the tables and this cuddly toys are the characters of one serie from Tokyo called The Moomin. Their objeticve is that their clients have a good company if they are alone. 
For that the clients don't feel bored and they don't go, this cafe makes rounds. As that serie has a lot of characters, they can make rounds and nthe clients never have the same character.


I think that this idea is very original and curious because I never see it in Spain or another country I visited before. Although this is original in my opinion is a little stupid because is like a joke. If I go to Moomin Cafe I would have the same feel that if I'm alone because the toy doesn't have life!


Grab: Agafar, atrapar
Cuddle: Abraçar, acurrucar-se
Stuffed: Embalsamat


This year I'm doing social baccalaureate. I have some problems because I'm stressed frightened for the marks and a litlle bit unmotivated. There are teachers tahat demotivate me. Therefore, I need work hard and pass all the subjects with 5 or I hope more.

I really like my class. There are a lot of people but the majority of them are my friends. With the persons I have more relation are Rosó, Sandra, Andrea Mateos, Jordi Nierga, Alex, Norden and Lluis. I spend more time with their because our behavier hit it off and we stay near in the class. Although I stay more with their, I have a good relation with most of the classmates.

 This year I have compulsory subjects. These are: catalan, spanish, english, philosophy and P.E. Otherwise, I can try four subjects. I tried economy, business economy, history and maths. I tried this for two reasons:One of the reasons is that the others I don't like a lot for spend a lot of time with these. The other reason is that I don't know which study do. I have some possibilities:

- Marketing
I like marketing because I have a lot of imagination and I'm creative. I like the new thingds and I love innovate and have one objective in my work not only work because yes. My objective in this work would be that the product be sold in a moment. 

- Business Administration
I like Business Administrations because I like manage. I really like this possibility because I love maths and in this work I would be practise this. 

- Become a teacher of the kindergarden
I also like to be a teacher of kindergarden because one of the things that I love in my life are the kids. They are funny, happy and cute. In 3th of ESO I went to the kindergarden of Castelló for help the teacher and this experiencie was fantastic. Also, this make me thought of my future.

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014


Tracy and Chee Sing have family problems.One of this problems is that their parents are separated. Other of the problems is that they want to be an adult but really their behavier was childish. The both mothers are desperated because the two adolescents more or less have the same age.

Tracy finished worst than Chee Sing because She takes drugs and Chee Sing always renounced this. Their behavier was different becvause Tracy wants to be popular and cool. Chee Sing is introverted, sad and he doesn't care if he'is popular or not.
Tracy has problems with her father in law although she has a bad vision of her biological father and Chee Sing is desappointed of her father because he leaves their house one day for another. 
Tracy has less money and Chee sing is more rich. The girl has a brother called Mason and Chee Sing doesn't have any brothers or sisters. 

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014


I have always wished to go to Australia. I think that this country is very interesting because it is different from spain. In Australia there is Uluru. Uluru is very famous for differents reasons: The Aborigionals thought that this rock was magic. Other reasons is the place. I have never seen it but I have seen it in photos and it is very impressive.m The colour of this rock also is special. It is red and brown.
In Australia also there are exotic animals very dangerous but prettier than the animals of Spain. Some of these animals are: australian box jellyfish, crocodiles, cone snail, puffer fish, stone fish and more.
I like the beaches of Australia because they are very clean and without contamination. I hope that one day I stay in this place, It's my dream! In the future, I will don't care if I move to Australia because for me is fantastic but I think that in this country are a lot of problems of health because the animals are very very dangerous and the conditions of some villages are terrible. 
If I move to Australia when I grow up, I don't want to go alone because I think that is very boring and the language is diferent too. Therefore, I want to go with some of my friends and I hope that my mum will also move there aswell.
I love to travel, is an important thing for me in my life and I hope that in my life I travel a lot. I would not be only in Australia but this continent is very curious for me and very beautiful.

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014


My last weekend was special for me because for first time I went to Girona with my friends and no with my parents. I went with Rosó, Sandra, Joana, Míriam, Ari and Lucia. We took the train at 10 o'clock. We arrived in Girona at 11 more or less because we took the cheapest train. In first place, we go to pull and bear. We love shopping! In pull and bear all was beautiful but my objective was some boots. I love my new boots because I like it since a long time ago. I had 180 euros but the boots cost 60 and I had 120 euros for buy more clothes or accesories! Later we went to Bershka, Zara, Pimkie and others shops. At two o'clock approximately, we went to Konig because he had a lot of hungry! We ate a lot and the best advantatge was that Konig was cheap and we had more money for another things.
In the afternoon we stayed in Gerona yet. We went to other shops for buy more, and later we went to a bar for ate a snack. I ate one sandwich and a cacaolat and my friends another things. As most of us have piercings and we decided went to the piercing shops for buy some of this but it was very expensive! After this, we said: "ok, come on, we have a lot of money, we can buy more" and we went to more shops. In fact, we went to Castelló without money! It's incredible but it's the true! 
Although we spend a lot of money, this day was very special for me because I spend one day with seven most importants persons that there are in my life and I hope that they never go away. 

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014


Once upon a time, there was a girl called Alexia. She was 20 and she was lovely, funny and extroverted. At that moment, she was studying marketing in Cambridge because she was a very good student. One day, when she went to her home, she bumped into a younger man. When she saw him she was surprised because he was perfect. It was in love at first sight. This boy was called John. He was strong and very handsome. One day, they met in the park next to Alexia's house and they decides to begin a relationship. They were in love and they decided to live together in Alexia's mother's flat. All was perfect until he needed to do one more step: He want to get married. She accepted this and three monts later, they married on a beach in California.
Alexia didn't know that her boy was bad. She didn't know that this boy had run away from jail. John had stayed in prision because he was a murderer; he enjoyed killling his wives because he thoght that they were bad to him. He always killed his wives with a key because he was a psychopath. He had to kill his wife on the 17th of Marc at 23:00: That day was the woman's birthday. All was faboulous until the day on the birthday. This day, he invited her to a restaurant to celebrate her birthday. She celebrated 21 years old. That night was very special. John gave a present to Alexia. The present was a key because he want to live with her. She accepted and later they went to their new house. The new house was enormous, with a big garden and a big swimming pool. It was the biggest house in the neighbourhood. At 22:54 he was beginning to get nervous and restless. At 22:59 they entered in the principal door and immediately he grabbed the key from her pocket. She was surpised but she didn't have time to react. At the same time he opened the door and jammed the key on the back of her neck. At that moment he opened the dor, he saw the dead girl's family had prepared a big party for her birthday. All the people felt frightened, concerned and out of place. Alexia's mother was unconscious because when she saw her daughter dead she recognized her boy: her boy was the person who killed her sister. All the family was in silence until they reacted. In fact Alexia's cousin closed the door and anoter relative called the police and the ambulance. 23;20. When they arrived, Alexia was dead and all was a chaos. John was tied with sellotape and the damily around him. The police arrested John.