martes, 9 de junio de 2015


I see an improvement in my level of English. I see an improvement for do news. In 4th of ESO. I saw do news very difficult and this year I enjoy doing blog and also news!

My favourite essays for post in the blog is Your Says. I like  do your says. In this essays, I express my opinions and I can talk about my life and my environment. The worst activity I have done is the film review. I don't like to do reviews.

I think that the oral presentation has be very useful. We learn new vocabulary, we can take fluency and we innovate with new technologies
The activities that I think doesn't have result are the podcasts because we do oral presentations and do essays without dictionary.

Next year I want to do more oral presentations. I really like it.

In my opinion this year I work a lot in English. Although sometimes I have some low marks, I am satisfied with my work this school year. 
I think that do blog is a good idea for improve our English. 

I think tht one thing can I do the next year is do more songs. In my opinion, the songs are perfect for learn english because in these we have new vocabulary, phrasal verbs and of course we can enjoy with the song!

domingo, 7 de junio de 2015


John Tyree is a soldier in the United States Army.But he leaves for two weeks the USA army and , he went to South Carolina.
 By change, when he went to a beach meets Savanah,a girl student beautiful, intelligent and quite . 

Over the course of two weeks, John and Savanah, fell in love. When John had to go, they promised that they would send each other cards. 
They are two years send letters, but one day, in one of the cards Savanah said that she married to another boy. When he return from South Carolina, her father died and he's very sad. For this reason he thinks that the best idea is go again to South California, with Savanah forever. 



A lot of people speculate that One Diretion will be taking a break after their tour. But is it true? No! The band are very excited for begin their plans after the tour. They say that the information of the break is only speculation.

Although Zayn Malik goes out of the group, the other four members will follow with their career together.


I think that If Zayn Malik didn't sty good in the band, it's better that he leaves it. I love One Direction and thereby, I hope that they never desappears.


Statement: Declaració

Scheduled: Programat

Hint: Pista



Justin Bieber apologizes for his behaviour the last and a half year. 
They says that really he isn't be like this time. For this reason, he's unhappy and sad. He don't want that his fans desappears for the things he has done.
A lot of people say that this behaviour has caused for his fame. 


In my opinion the behviour of justin Bieber has been horrible. He has arrested, he has stayed in the jail, and other bad things that he has done the last year. I hope that Justin Bieber switches his conduct.


Headline: Titular

Squeaky: "Chillón"

Softie: Amb sentients, sensible

sábado, 6 de junio de 2015



This cartoons began in 1997 and finished in 2001 but now, they return with 60 new episodes made in UK.
Teletubbies are issued in 120 in 45 languages.
They are one of the crown jewels. They need to do more episodes, they want to follow with this.


When I was little, I always saw Teletubbies. In my opinion Teletubbies must to exist forever. 


Broadcast:  Programa

Crown:  Corona

Sparkle:  Reflexar



This summer must be the best I've ever spent. Besides I have to work, I need disconnect of studies and my usual environtment.

 My friends and I have done a list of the plans for this summer. This list includes:

Plant a tree: As the forests decrease, we want to colaborate with our planet.

Go to a camping in Sant Pere: We love stay calm and alone. For this reason, we want to go a camping and relax!

Paddle Surf: As we don't do sport, we would like something for maintain our body!

Parties: We love party! Our expectation is going to all of discotheques we can! We can go to Onoff, Chic, Sikim, etc!

Apart of do my plans, I must to do "Treball de Recerca". My research project, called Music and Publicity, is very important for my final mark.

What I like the most of the summer are beaches and pools. My favourite beach is Almadrava. I love it. This cove is very beautiful! The water of the beach is super clean and we can see fishes and plants beneath the water.

My friend Sandra has a big pool. One of my objectives for the summer is walking up to Torroella de Fluvià. After I arrive, I swim in the pool quietly!


One year ago, I began to play the "flabiol and tamborí" in a cobla called Cobla Rossinyolets. I love them. We always go to a lot of cities and towns for do our concerts. We are eleven and we are: Aleix and Andreu; they play the trumpet, Mia; he plays the trombone, Gerard and Pau; he plays the "fiscorn, Juli with the contrabass, Meri and Alfons with "tenora", David and Ferran plays the "tible" and I play the flabiol. 
I'm the most little; for this reason they look after me. They are between 20 and 29 years old. 

I love my summer 2014 with them. WE sometimes go to the beach, we go to the restaurant and we laugh a lot. Although we have to play in the concert, after o before this the moments are the best!
In winter we work a little bit but in summer, we go to do the concert almost every day, and in some occasions all the day!


Last sunday, my family and I went to Ordis. In this town there was a oncert of the group "Somboits". Somboits is a gruop of students musicians that one of this is Gabriel Almeida, a student of 1BAT-A.
The members of Somboits are:
- Gabriel Almeida. He plays the "fiscorn"
- Roger Carreras. He is the singer and he plays the guitar
- Marti Sanchez: He's the pianist of the group
- Ot plays the guitar too.
- Ion. He plays "bongos"
- Pau is the saxophonist
- Arnau. He plays the battery
The concert lasted one hour and a half. They play twelve songs, between them "Músic de Carrer" of Txrango. 
Two of this songs was composed for Somboits. The songs called: "Buscant el paradís" and "La cançó del pagès".
A lot of people was seeing them and we enjoyed with their music. 
After the concert, I meet Roger because I think that this group is fantastic!

SELFEVALUATION - People with disabilities

Joana and I did our presentation of people with disabilities. 
For do it, we made a power point and we found a video for show at our classmates. We always do apower point because it helps to us for our explanations.
We show our topic between 10 and 11 minutes.
I tried to look my classmates but it is too difficult. I was too nervous and stressed. I'm more safe if I look at the teacher.
When I did the presentation, I had notes in one paper but I only looked for help twice or three times.
I did a lot of gestures in this time. When i was nervous, I did a lot of movements in front of the classmates and the teacher.
We organize our ideas like this: 

 -What is a disability?
 -Types of disabilities
 -Association for people with disabilities
 -Famous people with disabilities. 
 -Our conclusion

I didn't use markers because I thinkt that use markers is too formal for this presentation.
I introduce a lot of new information for my audience. I think that the information was too general.
We showed some examples of famous people with disabilities.
In my opinion our grammar was good despite the fact that we had some inacurracies.
We use new vocabulari and sentence linkers.
Our pronunciation was good although I falled words.
Finally, I changed my tone of voiec when I was speak in front of the class.


Hello Michelle, how are you? i'm so happy! Do you know why? Ok, now I will tell you.

When I moved to my current country, I thought that one good idea could be build a farm with another people. If I do it, I will can earn money and I will be able to this town. 

Although my idea seemed fantastic, I only found one girl to build the farm: Lawrence. She was a kind, funny and excited girl. 

Afterthis, we decided to be growers of organic products. At the beggining we thought that we couldn't live off the farm but bit by bit our costumers increase and we also make more products. All of this provoked that Lawrence and I had money to live well. 
I hope that you stay o good!

See you soon my little girl, love you. 



The 19th of may, four black bears have arrived on a bridge in the Yellowstone National Park. For this reason, some tourists became scared and stressed. The bears ran towards them and the tourits tried to escape.


In my opinion the black bears should be more controlled. It is shameful because this accident could have been a disaster.


Petrified: Petrificat

Threateened: Sentir-se amenaçat

Veer: Girar bruscament



1. The function of the goverment is helps the city.

The principal objective of the goverment is helps the residents of the city. When there are elections they promise this but when they have the presidency the goverment don't accomplish their promises. They only be on your side big internationals business.

2. All the things are thought for being destroy

In 20 century all the things lasted more that now. The business only want to get more benefits. They don't think with the society. In conclusion we are who get money to them.

3.The activities that the city do when we have free time are watching TV and go to shopping.

All of citizens, when they have free time go to shopping center or they watching tv all the day. What are we doing? We can profit more our time: We can go to the beach, we can go to walk or we can do something that we don't need consume.

4. Our forests decrease.

If we spend more wood, we will destroy the forests. We could search other alternatives.

5. The objective of the USA's business is produce more.

More? The objective of the business should be improve the education, health and our wellness.

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015

We are taking better care of our planet. Do you agree?

Years ago, the planet began to change negatively. A lot of people say that now we are looking after the planet but I think this is a falsehood so I don't agree with that statement.

First of all, we need polution to disappear. If we don't act immediately the planet will have more problems than now. It could happen that the hole of the Ozone Layer gets bigger. We can bring about a disaster!

The second problem is the Environment. We are always destroying forests, plants and natural areas. If we don't stop, the planet will rest without nature, and this can cause the lock of wood and other raw marterials can disappear.

In conclusion, I hope that the Earth will be better in a few years. I have a lot of expedations!