viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015



Paris is the capital of France. This city is located in the North of France. Paris has a lot of museums and things for visit. 

The Tower Eiffel is in Paris. It is the most important landmark. This monument is one of the seventh wonders of the world. It was built by Alexander Gustave Eiffel. In Paris also there is Versailles Palace. It is the palace of the kings of France. This palace is very big and wonderful . We need almost one day to visit it. 
Paris has a lot of churches. One of them is the chuirch of MontMatre.
These are a fer sights to see in Paris. Of course there are more places to visit.


5 Mar  Road 
Castelló d'Empúries
19th Marc 2015

John Michel johnson
Double Agent boutique
15 Little street
Los Angeles

To whom it may concern,
This summer I would like to work in your shop in Los Angeles. My name is Andrea Chaves and I'm 18 years old. I have finished the high school and in September I will go to university.
I can offer a lot of advantrages. First of all I speak four different languages: English, Spanish, French and catalan. I think that my profile is very similar to your perfect shor asistant. I'm serious, extroverted kind and hard working. I will do all that I can to get this job. 

I hope that you call me for the job.

Looking forward to your call.

 Yours faithfully.

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015


I talk about the film called "Perdona si te llamo amor".
Perdona si te llamo amor, at the beggining was a book ritten by Federico Moccia, an Italian writter., This book had a lot of exit and they decide to recording a film. Before, this film was an Italian film but, as the book also is write in Spanish, they think that the book also must stay in spanish. 
The director of the film is Joaquin Llamas and the characters are: Lucia Guerrero, Daniele Liotti, Paloma Bloyd and Irene Montalà.
Alex (main character) is a publicist boy. This boy is perfect: He is clever, handsome kind and polite. He has girlfriend but when he decide to ask for marriage to her, she says no. Afterthis, they break their relation and he began to feel upset, sad and angry until he meets Niki in a car's accident. Niki is a student and she's very beautiful, crazy, with a lot of character, transparent and irresponsable. Since this day, Alex began to feel happy and excited. At the beggining he think that she's a brat but in three days they began to feel in love. They pass a lot of time of the film in love but finally, in the end they have a big discussion. Although, this is not too much for that the main characters are separated. 



I always change my favourite songs. Nowadays my favourite song is "love me like you do" by Ellie Goulding. 
Ellie Goulding was born in 1986 in England. She's singer, composer and multiinstrumentalist. Her interest with the music took place when She was 9. In that year, Elena Goulding began to play the guitar and the clarinet.  She began to be a composer when she won a competition at 15 years old. Ellie wrote a lor of songs and she showed a lot of CD's but until 2012, she didn't have exit.  The album that it makes her famous was "Lights". One of her famous song is Born. 
Ellie Goulding has done differents colaborations with famous dj's like Calvin Harris. Their song "Outisde" has been an incredible song. This year, this song has been in all the locals and pubs!
Her last song has been "Love me like you do". This song is one of the songs of the 50 shades of Grey's soundtracks. She doesn't write this song but the productor of the film, wants that the singer be she. 
This song has been number one in Australia, New Zeland, Germany, Ireland, UK, EEUU and Canada. A lot of experts have done a criticism of the song and most of this, are positive crisicism. 

I like this song because I really like the film, I like the song's lyrics and the voice of Ellie Goulding is totaly fresh, lovely and it's very appropiate for sing type of songs. I always listen this song. I think in a lot of good things. This song passed me good feelings, and in some occasions passed me nostalgia. 

These are the lyrics of my favourite song. I can stand out some sentences that I love. 


You're the light, you're the night - Tu ets la llum, tu ets la nit

You're the color of my blood
You're the cure, you're the pain - Tu ets la cura, tu ets el dolor
You're the only thing I wanna touch - Tu ets la unica cosa que vull tocar
Never knew that it could mean so much, so much

You're the fear, I don't care - Tu ets la por, no m'importa
Cause I've never been so high
Follow me to the dark - Segueix-me a la foscor
Let me take you past our satellites
You can see the world you brought to life, to life 

So love me like you do, love me like you do
Love me like you do, love me like you do - estima'm com tu ho fas, estima'm com tu ho fas
Touch me like you do, touch me like you do
What are you waiting for? - A què esperes?

Fading in, fading out
On the edge of paradise - Al cim del paradís
Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I've got to find
Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire
Yeah, I'll let you set the pace - Vaig a deixar que s'estableixi el ritme
Cause I'm not thinking straight - 
My head spinning around I can't see clear no more
What are you waiting for?

Love me like you do, love me like you do
Love me like you do, love me like you do
Touch me like you do, touch me like you do
What are you waiting for?

Yeah, I'll let you set the pace
Cause I'm not thinking straight
My head spinning around I can't see clear no more - El meu cap esta donant voltes, no ho veig clar
What are you waiting for?

Love me like you do, love me like you do
Love me like you do, love me like you do
Touch me like you do, touch me like you do
What are you waiting for?


This essay talks about a boy who studies at university. He tells that he began to work at Camp Kennybrook in 2006, during his second year of university. 
He never could imagine his job like this, but when he began, his thoughts changed. 
The boy says that this job is nice and you can always have fun. In this work, he knows a lot of people across the world. 
He also explains that in the staff all the people are fantastic.


In the test I am an otter because my letters are ESFP.

ESFPs live in the moment and want to experience life at 100 mph. They are incredibly playful, generous, and optimistic. They love being social and having new experiences. Classroom learning is not their strong suit even though they are intelligent and creative — they would prefer to simply “go with the flow” and have a great time.

I think that this is true. In my opinion I'm like the otter. My personality is extroverted, funny and kind. This adjectives seemed to the test's adjectives. The only thing that I don't agree with this is: "Classroom learning is not their strong suit". In my opinion, I need to study a lot for get good marks.  Whenever I can, I go to some sites and I do diferents things. I love do new things and I don't like do it the same every day or every weekend. I also show my feelings and I can't think for do a strategy or a similiar thing. I always think with my heart.  I'm so social too; Whenever I can, I go with diferents types of friends and I love meet new people. 


martes, 3 de marzo de 2015


I did my oral presentation about Hawaii. I did it with Joana Gan and We have a 7.8.
For our presentation we use a power point with keywords and a lot of images and finally, we saw a video about Hawaii. The recourses are focused on the topic. We used this power point because we feel with more security. The time of the presentation was 9:20 more or less.

I tried to look at my classmates but it's so difficult! I don't read anything but sometimes I needed to look my notes for guide my ideas. I did a lot of movements but I don't know if it was the nerves or I did it to hold the attention of my audience. 
I organise my ideas about tmy opinion. I often used discourse markers but I think that I should to use more.
I explain a lot of information that I think that anybody of my English class know. In my opinion I used clear information but I think that I should to explain more curiosities and anecodtes and less information of the island. 
I like my pronuntiation but I failed in some words like climate, temperature discovered..I think that my voice's tone wasn't always be the same. I tried to do it with fluency. In my opinion this presnetation has been more better than the first.


Sant george is a saint about a history. The history talks about one dragon who ate all the animals that they are in the Montblanc town. For this reason the habitants of the town decided that they have to sacrificated their live and go with the dragon because he eats their. One day, in the paper there was written; The princess. But when the princess was almost in the mouth of the dragon, a knight saved their life and he nailed a spear at the dragon and he began to bleed. From the blood, began to grow up a lot of roses. The knight took one and he gave at the princess. The knight called Jordi. For this reason, the saint called Sant Jordi.

This is the Saint's Jordi history.

I think that almost all the business advantage this celebration for sell more. At the beggining the tradition was that the boy gift a rose and the girl gift a book. But now, although nowadays this tradition exist, a lot of people advantage for gift a big present or a trip for her couple. 

In my opinion, Sant Jordi must be the tradition because I like to see all the stalls in the street selling. I also really like children with a cake trying to sell him! 


A gap year is a year that you go to another country for learn languages, to work or other things. 

If you need disconnect to the environment or you want to learn English French or whatever language, gap year is the best way! 

Gap year allows to meet a lot of new people, to be mature because you don't stay with tour parents, you stay completely alone! I think at the beggining you miss your parents and family but slowly the majority of people getting used with this conditions. 

At the beggining, I'm sure that the people who go to do a gap year is completely lost with the language and comunication but with time a lot of people learn the language and with a fantastic accent!

But... Is it good for you to do a gap year between Batxillerat and university?
I think no. If you do a gap year, for me it's better to do this after university. If you go to another country with a lot of new friends, with a job where you can have some money, with a lot of freedom... Are you return to study or are you to lazy for study? In my opinion if the people let their studies, after it's more hard begin again.

If I go to do a gap year would after my career. I would to go to Hawaii. I really like Hawaii! I think that this island is very interesting: I'm really interested with the culture, the climate, the perfect beaches... I love Hawaii! I hope that in the future I could go to this island.


My chinese new year's animal is tiger because I was born in 1998.
The tiger was the third of the race. 12 chinese zodiac was in order of who won the race. For this reason, the tiger is the third.
The order is:
1- Rat
2- Ox
3- Tiger
4- Rabbit
5- Dragon
6- Snake
7- Horse
8- Goat
9- Monkey
10- Rooster
11- Dog
12- Pig

Chinese people say that the animal of the person have a relation with the personality of the person.


Lucky colours: Blue, grey and orange
Lucky numbers: 1, 3 and 4
Personality: Brave, confident, adventurous, open and independent
Best careers: Office manager, artist, actor and musician


My favourite colours are blue, pink and garnet. I think that my lucky number is 6 because this is my day's birthday. 
In my opinion I'm extroverted, independent, open and funny. 
When I will go to university I will study bussiness Administration or Publicity.

In conclusion I think that there are some things that are the same for example the colour blue and some of the adjectives of my character. 
Nevertheless, in my opinion it is chance because although I like music or I'm independent like the tiger, the other things are different.

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015



The 17th of february one man was mutilated for one shark. Next day, in the same zone, one Japanese surfer with 41 years, was killed for the shark. This event has taken place in Australia. 
When the ambulance arrived, the man was still lives but because the blood's loss, he died.


I think that this shark could be destroyed because can't be that this events happen. in my opinion the police must do a investigation for found the shark who kills the man. 


Coroner: Forense

Maul: Atacar a

Report: Informe




Artic crime drama "Fortitude" do a good joke. They built a big disguise of Polar bear; After, one of Fortitude, pull a hidden camera for the movements of the bear and everybody thought that the animal was real.

In my opinion this group have done very good because the animal seemed a bear. Sometimes, a little bit of humor is fantastic!
I think that I never could do this!


Fortitude: Fortalesa

Puppeteers: Titiriter

Prop: Apoyar




A conservative group from India has been protesting versus the couples that celebrate Valentine's Day.
This people make the lovers feel bad. They can't that the couples stay in the street showing their love.
The group do penalties for this people like do crunches in the middle of the street.


In my opinion these groups should to ban them because I think that they're cruel, bitter and outdated. I never seen it yet in my country or town. 


Harass: Acosar

Bizarre: Estrany

Staged: Montar