martes, 3 de marzo de 2015


A gap year is a year that you go to another country for learn languages, to work or other things. 

If you need disconnect to the environment or you want to learn English French or whatever language, gap year is the best way! 

Gap year allows to meet a lot of new people, to be mature because you don't stay with tour parents, you stay completely alone! I think at the beggining you miss your parents and family but slowly the majority of people getting used with this conditions. 

At the beggining, I'm sure that the people who go to do a gap year is completely lost with the language and comunication but with time a lot of people learn the language and with a fantastic accent!

But... Is it good for you to do a gap year between Batxillerat and university?
I think no. If you do a gap year, for me it's better to do this after university. If you go to another country with a lot of new friends, with a job where you can have some money, with a lot of freedom... Are you return to study or are you to lazy for study? In my opinion if the people let their studies, after it's more hard begin again.

If I go to do a gap year would after my career. I would to go to Hawaii. I really like Hawaii! I think that this island is very interesting: I'm really interested with the culture, the climate, the perfect beaches... I love Hawaii! I hope that in the future I could go to this island.

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