miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016


This holidays haven`t been diferent than te last years. Two days before Christmas Day I went to Figueres to buy all the presents for my family and also some accessories for me. 
On the 24th, as each year, I went to Massarac to celebrate "Noche Buena" with my family and later we gave each other the presents of Father Christmas. On the 25th I openned my presents. Surprisingly Father Christms gave me purple hair straighteners, money, clothes and a brown belt. At 12 o'clock I went to Figueres because I had to performl For lunch, my familu come to my home and after my friends and I went to Casatelló's Bingo. However we didn't have lluck! From 26th to 29th I killed my time qith my little cousin in Figueres.
As my friends and I didn't
 know what would we do on 31th, we decided to rent a flat in Sant Pere to begin our party alone and later went to the party in Sant Pere. We stayed in this house three days and two nights . I think is the best decision that I have taken. 

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